Lion of Prideless
Played by Tyrannidae

The other male took that inch and went on a marathon! Muninn regretted ever saying anything to egg the windbag on! This guy was clearly much more social than Muninn, and this was quickly turning out to be a bit of a one-ended encounter. Muninn could feel frustration bubbling in his chest as he listened to the older man drabble on about a hunt, and the rain being light... and then not so light... and his wet fur... and looking for shelter... and the lightening. The dark male had to almost force himself not to grimace or snap at the guy before he thankfully transitioned into introductions. At least this was something Muninn could participate in.

He nodded, the action a bit brisk in his restrained frustration. "Muninn." He said flatly. That would have been the end of it... but Abraham had quite an interesting accent. Muninn had never heard anything like it before. Surely it wouldn't hurt to ask, though he was weary. He didn't want to set the guy off again! "You're accent is very... foreign. Where do you come from, if I may be so bold?"

This seemed, in itself, like a pointless interaction. Why would the Gods have brought the two of them together? What purpose did it serve for them to be stuck under this gods-forsaken rock in the middle of a thunderstorm being forced to converse with one another? Perhaps only time would tell... but the possibility that this male was destined to play a larger part in Muninn's life was reason enough for him to go along with the God's little game... no matter how much he disliked it. At least the guy was nice enough.

Of Mind and Memory
stock by xxxx | manip by xxx | code by twesh


("Hellu, I am Muni, and I'm New Boot Goofin' out here!")
Beware of Muninn. He is going though some changes. He can and will become quite erratic!
He is very likely to attempt bodily harm to your character, even when UNPROVOKED!!