Lioness of Prideless
Played by Swan


They came in hoards, so wild and free. Cutting through air as if they were dancing, and oh how their graceful wings clashed with their shrill voices. As if they’d been gargling with sea-glass. Those vultures of the sea.

Juniper strolled down the shore, smelling of sea-spray and veiled the shadow of white birds. Her eyes bright, glinting in the momentary light. It was a chilly afternoon; the breeze had resorted to playful bites instead of savagely clawing down her flank and face. And yet…still she shivered. From cold or simple premonition, she did not know.

The girl sat herself firmly in the sand, a yawn disfiguring her young, tender face. A long journey was behind her, and yet so much unknown spread before her eyes. There’s nothing like the fear of the endless, pearly-white page.

Turquoise, swirling waves welcomed her, wearing their lace collars made of foam. It was an age-old tradition, one that brought back many memories. Along with the usual dose of pain. But who could’ve stopped her fluttering, childish heart when Juniper got up to chase the waves as the ocean sucked them in? Who could’ve stopped her high-pitched giggles as she ran from their foamy fingers?

It was a game, a timeless tale. A vestige of her youth.

Why would anyone deprive her of such happiness?


And I will try to fix you