Empress of Ignis Empire
Played by Karasu

Volcan flicked sand from her paw, lifting the satin clad foot to groom between each pad, setting it back down. She chuckled lightly as he claimed his better skill at climbing, nodding a bit. "Good to hear you do possess skills to survive, otherwise I worry you may need supervision to live much longer." she joked, suggesting he may need to be treated as a cub. He made his own suggestion, and her expression became thoughtful. A favor, hm? "Well, currently my kingdom isn't very populated..... All I ask of my people that they can help provide for the good of the empire. I can offer you a place in Ignis if you are able to help provide?" she offered. He wouldn't really need to help hunt- to be fair, her son's didn't hunt much either. Females were better built for it, anyhow. But there were other skills that could be useful.

Code by Naboo, Ref by Habitual Nightmare