Lioness of Prideless
Played by witch

and he asked him, 'what is thy name?'
and he answered, saying, 'my name is legion, for we are many.'


A long pause arrives between them, before and after Evanthia's answer - the pause after being from Legion weighing whether or not to feign ignorance of the common tongue. Deciding against it, Legion finally answers. Japanese, comes the achingly frigid monotone again, mismatched gaze blinking up at the larger individual. My native tongue. The language I prefer over any other. Legion's thought is almost bitter - an unusual thing, for someone who is used to going through life feeling detached, disconnected. Feeling as if they aren't really part of anything except their family, for whom they would kill - or even die.

Sighing, Legion tilts their head, giving into the faint curiosity pushing at the back of their mind. I am Death - who are you? A noise to the right flickers Legion's ears, but they do not take their eyes off of Evanthia - waiting, watching, observing as is their way. Utterly still and silent, taking in the other's reactions; and finding themselves amused at the reciprocal observation. How often did they get times like this? To just sit and watch someone watch them back? Almost never - especially not with the insanity that is their younger half-siblings. Complete and utter nutcases, the lot of them.

Well... Vergil's not that bad, Legion supposes, but the rest of that litter is on crack.
