Lioness of Prideless
Played by Cat

It would seem the water began to retreat and part a path for the duo that had decided to take the clear route that had been so graciously offered to them, by whatever higher power may be in the works. She was careful as to not rush too far ahead, afraid to let the stranger of a cub from her sight. She may be no mother, but the instinct to protect was ever strong with Basilia when she stumbled across a youth.

In due time the mire gave way to a drop and out in the ocean, she could spot what looked like a sliver of land surrounded by a reef. Eyes followed the single bird that had followed them out as it leads her gaze to find the shallow path from shore to the atoll. Eyes lit with a new interest and the previous chaos had already begun to clear from her mind.

"Look there!" She pointed with the jut of her chin before she glanced to the boy. With a giggle of laughter, she would not wait as she turned to the right and trudged along the edge of the mire to find a place she could descend down to the beach from.

She just had to explore the new found isle.

