Empress of Ignis Empire
Played by Karasu

She heaved as for a moment the smaller lioness's jaws were separated from her. Since when could a goddess be seen to have fallen so far? What could possibly have smited her so? The obsidian lioness would never know that it was simply because she was mortal, and mortals fell- especially the bigger they were. And so the feeling of the red devil's skull against her jaw shot through her body, anger resulting in the empress to swipe at the beast- and trip. The rock they were on luckily was not too high, and so as she fell off the platform onto the pebbles below, the pain form her injuries set in- now accompanies by bruises. Volcan wheezed, the breath knocked from her body, and staggered up, looking at all the expectant faces with shame, nd then back to Erenvel. Well..... Well.... she gasped for more air, Well done. You have bested me. Had you come eirlier, this kingdom would be yours. she stated, head hung midway.

Erenvel vs. Volcan
Spar for Dominance
3 of 3

HP: 59
Damage: Rolled 1
Damage received: 3

art by Habitual Nightmare#5003, code by naboo
