Lioness of Prideless
Played by Swan


Like plumes of sweet, translucent smoke, the fragrant air swirls around her. And the heavy droplets of rains pasts tumble down, sliding down leaves and collecting in turbid puddles. Violet blue eyes flash in the unexpected darkness of a stormy afternoon. There is a stillness in the forest that is both tranquil and foreboding. Her stomach twists into knots as she traverses deeper amongst the foliage, nostrils flaring.

A lonely, wet Hawthorne shrub shivers under the shadow of an old and crooked tree. She stops, only to look. To sight. Those white flowers, with pearls of rain standing on its petal like tears, had carried her through many a horrid night. For a second, Juniper considers indulging again. Considers letting those tender ivory petals wash away whatever sadness remains within her heart. The ruins of her grief.

She swallows and shakes her head, the furrowing of her brow never marring the childish beauty of her face. Slowly, she begins to gingerly pluck a petal with her teeth. Rain runs down its pink flesh and into her mouth, and the cold feel of it is exhilarating. But she berates herself, the emotion clearly etched onto her features, and promises to save the petal for her patients.

Unless, well…it looks like it might be a particularly sullen night.



And I will try to fix you