Empress of Ignis Empire
Played by Karasu

The obsidian goddess's flirtatious smirk didn't falter as he spoke, his words sweet like honey- eluding that he knew what she meant. She settled onto her stomach, back legs out as well out her front ones, spawled into a comfortable position- showing most of all that she didnt fear him. He seemed to radiate a suspicious and dangerous energy, and Volcab was living for it. Her chin was set onto her forelegs, her ember gaze meeting his fire opals. He was very handsome, well structured, in much a similar size to the lady herself- she being only the slightest bit taller, that gap closed by his mane- and him being a bit stouter, as males often were. She stretched out her back a bit, a purr erupting from her bosom- which was puffed out. What a handsome young man I have stumbled upon, and so close to where I sleep, no less. My my, mind telling me what your name is, fire prince? she asked with a chuckle.

art by Habitual Nightmare#5003, code by naboo