Lioness of Prideless
Played by Twesh

Marcella clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth in a bit of disappointment. He was no local. He wouldn't be able to provide her some of the most essential information she needed. Her thoughts briefly turned to her children and her need to get them settled somewhere. In stability they could be taught the lessons she was, they deserved to be more than nomadic vagabonds... "You're the first soul I've seen outside my family. This land does not seem too populated." Exciting and disappointed both- she glanced back to him with a calm look over her face.

If he would not know where was safest for her she would need to continue to search. He could however, prove good company. A tight bond, perhaps an ally? If this world was truly as inhabited as it seemed there was room to grow her and to create anew. She would rather pick with whom she tied herself to sooner than end up settling later... Marcella wanted to know more of him. "We could talk together for a stretch if you're heading my way?" Marcella suggested. In her past she'd found small talk came easier when your legs were moving. Always have something ready to be talked about her teachers had told her growing up, a persistently changing scenery meant fresh sights at each turn to be brought up should the conversation die. Not that she hoped they'd resort to talking about the grass...
