Empress of Ignis Empire
Played by Karasu

While the obsidian woman's face stayed stoic, her ember lit eyes flashed slightly with shocked remorse. This child was well informed of the dangers of living, it seemed. It was a shame that even the youthful had to live in fear of the vile- but such a thought made Volcan a hypocrite, considering she slaughtered three mates for her own personal gain. Regardless, cubs always found a soft spot in the goddess, and her stony face loosened a little with a thin smile. Well, you are right. But at least I am not interested in eating you, and instead you found a stranger who gave you food. she said, curled ears pricked. The volcanic woman watched with silent amusement as the child tried to describe her patents. The term your searching for little one is mane. Your mother and father both have manes. what a silly child. But it wasn't unusual, her lack of knowlage for terms, after all she was so small. They both sound like they are very nice to look at. Anyhow- I am Volcan, but you can call me whatever you like, little lady.

art by Habitual Nightmare#5003, code by naboo