Empress of Ithilien
Played by Nova

Safe to say, it was rather easy to see that there was some discomfort to this meeting. A small twitch or fidgety limb was all it took to really see the changes. If this were months ago she might've questioned it a little more but she reminded herself that she was a leader now and that meant that to others she was assumed to have a lot more power. Of course. I won't turn you away, though there was a small hitch but she easily found a way to make it seem a little less pointed on what she needed to ask. She needed a name (as it'd be weird to invite someone not knowing their name) but she didn't want him to even begin to think that he'd done something wrong. She had a feeling that wouldn't be very fair when he already seemed so nervous. I'm Tintalle, though I'm sure you know that. I'm big on respect, kindness and hardwork. I'd rather we not claim anyone unless they're in danger. And no one is to be kept here against their will. That was it - though she hoped that explaining those things after introducing herself hadn't scared him off too much. It was important even if she could assume that he'd be alright under those rules.
