Lion of Prideless
Played by Tyrannidae

As he began to wonder more and more if the heap of bloody mess was just that or something more, he had become wrapped up in his curiosity. His eyes had narrowed and his ears had been perked forward in interest and all his focus... and then suddenly the dead mass sprung to life!

He flinched back out of instinct, and with all his being he managed to avoid crying out in surprise when the dead heap took the sudden form of a violently brash and rather angry-looking woman! What a mistake he had made! His mind was not right... perhaps he was too travel-weary for his own good.

The shock of the surprise and the embarassment of the instincutal reacion his body took upon itself caused the male to react in whatever way he could to protect what dignity he had left. His ears fell back to hide amongst his thick mane, his fangs flashed her in warning not to be too daring... but this was his mistake, so he sheathed them quickly to communicate he was not interested in threatening her further.

He held his head high as he turned away, attempting an aloof demenor now before his gaze returned to her. She had spoken.

"Muninn, a man of the desolate regions to the north of this place.

And what of yourself? Who are you to be sitting on high?"

He spoke of course of her position on that ledge as well as her bold and feirce response to his presence. It had been a mighty long time since he had been greeted with such hostility. He must admit, it was admirable of her... but of course he'd only admit it to himself.

His voice carried a deep bass, yet the words were spoken almost musically with a mild accient of the northern tounge. Scandinavian, specifically.

Of Mind and Memory
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("Hellu, I am Muni, and I'm New Boot Goofin' out here!")
Beware of Muninn. He is going though some changes. He can and will become quite erratic!
He is very likely to attempt bodily harm to your character, even when UNPROVOKED!!