Lion of Prideless
Played by Howl

It's always seems to cold and not the kind he enjoys. It's never the cold freeze of the desert with hot warm days, no this place seems to be frozen no matter the time! Nazario groaned, it had seemed like an ideal place before but now he's having second thoughts. Well the place isn't too bad, there's definitely some better areas but it's just cold all the time. Could the gods turn up the heat, thank you! Yet, something draws him to the cold. He does not know why but he almost instinctively follows the alabaster ground anyway. He wasn't expecting much but he found a field, no a meadow of lavender. An endless sea of purple and yet it remains untouched from the cold. How strange. It intrigues him, walking through he embraces the calming scent. It's too calming, so claiming that Nazario collapses and goes into a deep slumber.

Nazario should have checked for danger but the lavender lulled him to sleep. After being exhausted for what felt like years he couldn't pass up on such soft bedding and a place untouched by the snows frozen caress. A happy sigh escapes him before he truly is dreaming. Such blissful paradise.
