Lioness of Prideless
Played by Cat

It was the first time she had ventured further inland than what the swamp had offered to her. She had trailed the southern border until she crossed the wide point of the inlet and on to the beach. She was delighted when the grains passed between her toes that she wiggled around. Eyes alit with the excitement of an opportunity to explore something unknown to herself.

She lacked her usual attire of moss and vines across her shoulders. Instead, she only held the twigs and leaves that had managed to snag on the long strands of her fine hair. She forced the vibrations from her throat to expel and form a soft hum that filled the silence that surrounded her as she moved. Each step delicately placed along the shore as the waves rushed to capture the prints and wash them away.

Movement stops only after she came to rise on a sanded dune. Eyes adrift what lay below. The child that pawed around on the beach before her. A smile formed on her lips as she watched a moment longer. "Hola little one!" Her voice aimed to call out and alert the cub of her appearance if it had yet to notice. Where were the parents? The afterthought settled in the back of her mind.
