Lioness of Prideless
Played by Plymouth

The woman was no longer completely alone and this was satisfactory enough to her. To allow her to not feel that unpleasant yearning for company. It also meant that she had to make sure that she did her fair share of hunting so that her companion wasn't left wanting for food and vice versa. It was because of this that she'd traveled past the wastes to go hunting and she'd been rather fruitful in her endeavor. The woman had a rather large fish trapped in her jaws as she retraced her steps in an attempt to find Helayne... but something in the air stopped her.

The woman looked around, eyes narrowed in uncertainty as she paced towards the feel of a vibration in the air. She was unable to ignore it as it seemed that the two lions already here were not able to either... What was this that made it seem like time had stopped?