Lioness of Junior Member
Played by Plymouth

It had been a trying few weeks... Months? She wasn't sure but she knew that time stomped onwards and they had to go along with it despite the numerous trials and tribulations tha that had come to pass. Things were tiring and difficult. When she thought they'd had a home, they really didn't and it had all been snatched away. Yet, here they were together. The pair of them still standing up to the elements despite the others that had gotten lost along the way. At least she still had him and he helped her to keep her sanity. What would she have done without a solid rock as a foundation?

Dravite paced ahead of her but she was still there, right in his pawsteps as she surveyed the new land that they found themselves in. Her mismatched eyes stared at the barren ground with its sickly grass. No good here for healing herbs. The woman was never really fond of areas without herbs to grow... One never knew when they would need a place to be fertile for quick access to herbs. It was all up to her to help keep them both healthy and well.

The chuff was what dragged her out of her thoughts about plants as she lifted her head to peer at Dravite's handsome figure. She'd not said it aloud but she found him quite fetching and now as he called for her, she sped up to come up to his side. Very close as she looked up at him. "Wonder what we'll find here..?" She was exhausted but still was fairly upbeat. She had to be. It helped her get along. "Some chaos?" She threw him a cheeky grin. It was an old joke and truthfully... she'd had more than enough chaos to last a lifetime at this point.

"a wolf in sheep's clothing"