Lion of Junior Member
Played by Sekai

Days had passed, weeks had passed, and he felt exhausted from their travels. Personally he would have stayed longer with his family, but he knew that would not be a solid solution. After all he had left originally to find his own path, wouldn't it be pathetic if his path just led back home? No he was destined for something greater, just the question of what it was.

Dark coat rippled with the reflection of the beginning of the sun starting to peek over the horizon, it highlighted the different shades in his mane and the fresh scar across his left eye. Three gashes across it that were still freshly healed, he had been lucky to even keep his eye that day. Tail twitched with caution moving slowly with purpose, inspecting everything with his eyes and breathing in the strange smells.

Twitching at the sudden stirring of creatures, he growled in irritancy at himself for his jumpy behavior. But after what they had been through together he was doing well to be cautious, dual eyes narrowed while he chuffed for his companion to join him. Turning his head to look behind him if she were not far behind. Dravite had made the purposeful stride into the new area but he had gone slow enough to not cause too much distance between them