Lioness of Prideless
Played by Naboo

Many nights felt like they'd elapsed since her time here, though they could not eclipse her memory of the moment she came, crossing the threshold to find her kin. Every time she thought she was done another came from the woodwork, but the young Tollaire did not have as much hope that all would come. She knew that time would separate them and give them their own paths, but she would faithfully follow their family's creed til death drew the last breath from her jaws. The Tollaire women were fierce, a sight to behold unlike any other, and yet they did not standalone from their male counterparts, they boosted one another up until the whole family was ahead. They would forge that path here for them, for those to come after, but she'd yet to decide what pride to even alliance herself to. Arsynia would make that decision, review the stronghold and the family ties, before they were all completely set loose upon this land to wreak the havoc which sung in her heart and ached in her bones. That malevolence and greed that had so gripped the Dragon King had bewitched its way into her, yellow eyes cast upon the rainforest before her, its sprawling paths and surprisingly loud ambiance falling away as she thought of mother and father.

Before her thoughts could unravel there was a scent that crossed her nostrils and steeped within her lungs, a low growl rumbling within her breast, a mild mixture of pleasure and surprise, her breath rising in wisps from her nostrils as she prowled forward. In the path ahead of her his form became clear, and though she knew well enough of him they hadn't had the time to grow in closeness as say her and Vermillion, not even her and Arsynia had near enough the bond that she had with her eldest brother; that was a most coveted feat. Her strong voice resonating loudly. "Drakon...." The trailing tone picking up rapidly as she offered him a wicked smile, the glean in her eyes deepening. "You've come."

art by ki-re, code by naboo