Lioness of Junior Member
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Would it have been inappropriate to just pick the cub up and tote her back towards the ocean? Drakon certainly wouldn’t have minded, but the concept of claiming anyone had gone out the window as soon as she’d lost her title. She had never claimed anyone, actually, even when she’d been able to do so -- the idea had always tasted bitter in her mouth despite how little she cared when others did it. Her husband had, after all, claimed her in the borderlands and made it quite clear to whom she belonged, though nowadays ownership was a wee bit different. It wasn’t many women who could coax a polygamous man into monogamy, and though she knew it likely still bothered him, Hecuba just.. didn’t care. He had made his decision and his decision had been her, as it should have been all along. There was no guarantee the child would eventually grow to hold affection for her, though. Even if things had worked out for Drakon and Hecuba, cubs were.. different. More delicate.

If Hecuba had any chance to convince the child she meant no harm, food was the best place to start. "How about a fish, little miss?” It had been quite some time since she’d last gone fishing; Narsil had been there to learn, but that child was gone now as well. Hecuba wouldn’t admit she was glad for that to Drakon. Not openly. Without another word, the lioness set to fishing out a meal and because ain’t nobody got time for that, magically fished one out in record time. Because time skips and stuff. "Here you are. I just happened to find this.” Hecuba smiled softly, gesturing towards the fishynoms.

image by peter mitchell | art by irish
