Lioness of Prideless
Played by Ivy

Uncertainty plagued her, afraid to go or stay. She was without a compass, without a clue on which direction to go now. Without her captors she could do as she wished but the young woman had no idea how. Immediately her ruby gaze watched as the obsidian woman moved and for a moment she tensed, expecting to be attacked or rebuked. What she wasn't expecting was for her to pat the ground alongside her with a large forepaw. 'It's dryer than out there, little lioness. Come, lay at my side if you wish.' If she wished? Well .. she supposed she was quite cold now wasn't she? Tentatively she moved forwards, closing the distance between them as she moved to take a seat alongside the woman. They were strangers to one another but Mouse was grateful to feel welcomed. "Thank you. Mouse is me." She said softly, her gaze drifitng upward to lock onto the face of the stranger. And who was she? Was she some dark angel that could protect her from this huge scary world she found herself in? She had proven thus far to be nice so Mouse was inclined to stick to her side for now, unless the woman wanted otherwise.


lineart by oCrystalArt | code by naboo