Lioness of Prideless
Played by Naboo

It was early in the morning with the sun still hiding behind Mount Crescentia's tall spires and rigid, uneven crests that rose and fell on the distant horizon. In the shadow of the mountain she found her way through the Steppe, finding a path that seemed to wind itself up a wall of untamed earth, a ledge that had just enough of a path that she could comfortably step up through it until she was at the top. From here it seemed like she'd climbed no less than thirty feet up, and still there was room to continue upwards. But here she found a flat stretch of land that had pale grasses bent over with the weight of the morning dew. The chillier temperatures were not helped by the dark clouds looming above threateningly, rolls of thunder grumbled in the belly of the skies as occasional droplets began to marr her fur and make her look bathed in the dark swathes of blood. Her mane scattered across one side of her face as she reached a distant edge of the plateau, looking out onto the low grassland beneath and some distant rolling hills. The scene before her was gray and dreary, though her bright yellow eyes stuck out like guiding lights; casting her gaze upon all that which lay at her feet and wondering why no pride had taken this for their own.

art by ki-re, code by naboo