Empress of Ignis Empire
Played by Karasu

The volcanic woman chuckled slightly, her face lighting up a little as her ego was inflated a bit by his compliment.
You speak as one much older than your appearance suggests.

She feigned a bashful glance away and back, battering her dramatically eye lined gaze. My, how sweet you are~~ but I am indeed approaching six years of age.... But I suppose a goddess never truly ages, hm? she suggested, shifting to her side for more comfort, her spine facing him, turning her head though to face his. Well, boy, should I have a reason to fear sharing my home~~? Maybe, your a little... Dangerous? she purred. Danger- what a fun thing to play with. Hmmmmm.... Hunter. What a name, a bold one, something that suggests power. And me? I am Volcan. Pleasure to meet your acquaintance, pemburu mangsa she said, her words rolling as she displayed her own native tongue.

art by Habitual Nightmare#5003, code by naboo

pemburu mangsa = prey chaser in Indonesian