Lioness of Junior Member
Played by Javs

"careful," villanelle whispers quietly as she makes her way across the log bridge. feline grace is lost to her as her muddy paws slip on the ancient tree, cracking and splintering the wood as she goes. the amateur ballerina continues her onward, her tongue perched taut between her fangs as she focuses on not tumbling down into the depths of the bog until -

creature of the swamps?

at that, the villanelle's head snaps upwards, blue eyes wide and wild. "where?" she looks this way then that, searching for the voice that was lost in the gloom and the swamp creature. she imagines it dripping mud and slime, with breath stinking of mold - yellowed teeth and claws made for sucking lions into the mire with it. "where?" villanelle repeats again, urgency heavy in her tone as she readies herself to bound back the way she came but then she sees it.

pale blue eyes and fur the same shade of rich earth, its body tense and still and poised to catch unsuspecting prey. at this realization, villanelle feels her body sway, claws unsheathing as she slips on the side of the massive tree and feels nothing but empty air beneath her.