Cub of Prideless
Played by Naboo

The fretting was not a common occurrence for the child, but he was beruffled and out of sorts in a way that when she leaned in, and he in turn leaned close to better hear her whisper, he audibly gasped at her story. Fusing with this creature to become a crab pawed lion? Why, he'd rather have the foot fall off to be honest. 'Wh...what." His voice faded and quieted as his face turned pensive, his eyes looking at the mauve shade of her toes and he shuddered to think of anything permanently being attached to it like a rancid growth. The fatal blow to his ego, however, came when he mentioned mama. He worshiped his mother, not in a blind cultist way, but as in he respected her and idolized the family ideals that were being imparted upon him.

That was it, he had to put his big boy pants on. The crab - which had taken this opportunity to stay clutched and pull its other claw in - hung there tightly. Blood trickled around his small wound and he was beginning to lose feeling in his toe; perhaps a dramatic figment of his imagination but it felt real nonetheless. "Alright, okay no you're right.. wait... wait what happened to your sister? Did it kill her?" But without having to hear the answer he hesitantly held his paw up once more, clenching his jaws as he prepared for her to separate the creature from him via dissection.
