Lion of Prideless
Played by wallflower

Sure, he was late, but when wasn't he late? With a casual manner he sauntered up to the group, which was smaller than he had anticipated. Just his sister and the two vagabonds they'd picked up about a year ago. Blue eyes took critical analysis of his sister's injuries. It looked as if they'd started the rough and tumble without him. Not that he minded much, as he was the lazier of the two. He had walked straight towards Rue, catching the last part of her speech about testing out someone's strength. How ambitious of her. "Well yer needin' to practice if you lost already." A cheeky smile fell on his lips as he looked upon her lighter blue face. "Don't be 'spectin' me to help ya though, I ain't got time fer that." He fake yawned, fangs curiously big as his tongue flicked between them. Out of all the pirates he was likely the least to do anything that took too much effort unless it was something he truly wanted.