Lioness of Prideless
Played by Naboo

Their biggest differences lay in the fact that she didn't remember what it was like to feel pure enjoyment or do something for the mere hobby and pleasure of it. Those were things that she'd left in her childhood, having grown up to want nothing more than power, to crave a battle and demand respect from others. She had grown in the shadow of the Dragon's command, at the whim of the Witch's wiles, and somehow she had surpassed their darkest shadows; here she was a product of rage and enigma.

When he jumped down there was something about him that she liked, though perhaps it was just the animalistic and instinctual side of her. The side that craved raw power and simply liked the allure of his size, though still her face lay befouled by a wicked sneer. "If not to live nor to be useful, then what do you go there for? You would think a lion such as yourself would have so much more to preoccupy himself with." Her voice thinned sharply as her ears rounded forward, mane threads rippling against her face as her saffron eyes glanced uninterruptedly at his own.

art by ki-re, code by naboo