Lion of Junior Member
Played by vae

Everything about this place was new. Kilian had taken a few days to get his bearings (and, in truth, he was still in that mindset now), but he was beginning to have a better understanding of the world around him. The lack of familiarity was exciting in many ways. He was adventurous to a fault, which ensured that he thoroughly enjoyed himself as he became acquainted with all of these territories. Today, he found himself in a rainforest - a biome that he had, at the very least, experienced before. The humidity was a welcome respite from the drier heat. He would always prefer a wet heat to a dry one.

But, he digressed. As he wandered through the trees, eyeing the various foliage and taking note of any sounds he heard, a scent poured into his nostrils. Blinking his mismatched eyes, he glanced around, somewhat befuddled initially. The smell was unexpected, particularly in such a dangerous place. Parting his jaws, he drank it in further prior to deciding to pursue its location. Kilian trotted briskly, fear mounting at what he might find.

At first, he didn't see the source of the scent. The smell was permeating his senses, leading him to swing his massive head left and right. Where are you? he thought, fur prickling along his shoulders. He sniffed again, lowering his head closer to the ground as he did so. That was when he saw them: a cub, nestled in a hole, with no parent in sight. Anxiety tore through him, and he edged carefully toward the small child.

"Hey, there," he spoke softly, lowering the volume and lessening the severity of his naturally low voice. "Are your parents around, little one?"