Lioness of Prideless
Played by Cat

Rue let out a chuckle at the joking advice her sister had given. Along with a quick nod in response. She wasn't too fond of eating herbs even when she did to do it, so she didn't mind avoiding the task when she didn't. The remark on the others caused Rue to lift her gaze and shift it over the flatter parts of the territory. Surely they were out there somewhere. She just hoped they didn't make too much of a fuss without her. After all, Rue loved to be in the middle of it all.

She let a shoulder rise and fall in a simple shrug. "Some. This place be Aesseldar, but nah sure on th' rest. Most lands are lackin' in proper shelter 'n huntin' ground so far." She mumbled off what she had managed to find. Of course, she hadn't explored every nook and cranny as of yet. But in due time she would have it all mapped out and known.