Lion of Prideless
Played by KittyKookiez

Attentive eyes spotted the approaching figure warily as his hind legs rose to meet the lioness who greeted him. He smiled softly, glad he wasn't faced with hostility as he made a full rise now, bowing his head slightly once he got to his feet, “I don't mean to intrude. I've been looking for a new home now, and the land beyond the northern mountains looked promising. This is the only pride I've found so far...does your pride accept males?” the first, and most important question so far. If they didn't, he didn't want to be around when the lead male came up, and he didn't want to cause her any trouble if he was particularly possessive of his females.

Jessie kept a polite yet wary posture; ears and tail lowered in courteous submission, and eyes watching her and around her for any signs of other lions.