Lion of Prideless
Played by KittyKookiez

He wasn't looking for them. He didn't even know they were there. The man was just walking by, exploring the unclaimed part of the forest when he began to notice the smell of the scent markers that blocked his way. It wasn’t a weak scent, yet with further investigation he noticed that the scents belonged to few people. It was a small pride, for sure, but nonetheless there were enough unique scents to keep him away from the border.

Nose sniffed fervently in the air, mouth parted slightly to drink in the scents around him, he made his way along the border to keep from trespassing, waiting for a curve in the marker so he could explore the rest of the forest, but it seems he must have missed it.

Well, kind of too late to go back now and see. Perhaps he should talk to them? They might be friendly, he thought, trying to ignore the possibility that they might chase him away on-site when they notice he's a male. He shifted nervously, before pushing his worries to the back of his mind. A low call sounded from his throat, soft and uninterrupting. He didn't want to make himself sound threatening.

Still well on the out side of the border, Jessie would back away a few more feet, before lying down on his stomach and curling his tail around him. He was not fully rested, legs ready to make a break for it if need be, eyes attentive, and ears searching for signs of danger.


@Arodion @Tintalle @Abraham