Lion of Prideless
Played by Zena

His massive frame moved through the trees at a leisurely pace, having nowhere to be and nothing of importance to do. Not until he heard a call from Drakon, or Hecuba, or one of the mysterious Tollaire he had been told lived within the borders of this place. That didn't seem to be forthcoming, and so he continued to wait, familiarizing himself with the lands and occasionally bringing down some item of prey and bringing it back to the coast for the family that lingered there, not all related by blood but drawn together nonetheless.

Today, though, he was just wandering, paws sinking deep into the snow under his weight, specks sticking to his deep maroon fur and giving him a saddle as he roamed under the trees.

Of course, he abruptly got quite the blanket as he passed under a tree as a wind blew by, sending a sheet of snow down on top of him. Seraphiel stopped mid step, a front paw raised as he blinked away the snow that had fallen on his face. What on earth? This place was just... so different from what he was used to.
