of Newbie
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So I’ve got a few charas in now, and I’d definitely like some dedicated plots for them! Just post in this thread or message me please!!

Absolute friendly baby. He really loves having friends. He’s a bit bad about rambling though, so it may be a bit chaotic for other big talkers.
Friends:open! He’d love as many as possible, definitely loves listeners who can listen for long amounts of times. If you’re taller than him, you may notice he internally gets salty about height. (Pls don’t mention he’s average/short, will make him sad)
Romantic interests: Semi-open. He currently has a crush on a certain lithe lion. I wouldn’t mind him having one more possible love interest. He is strictly into male lions.
Enemies: Abraham would only likely have an enemy if they were rude or hurt someone close to him. He finds it unforgivable to hurt innocents, or to hurt someone out of spite.

Flirty pirate spy who will flirt with almost anyone, mostly for fun. She’s definitely snobby and may judge people IC based on if she finds them attractive or not.
Friends: Open! Expect fairly complimentary and flirty friendships, she’s pretty liberal with affection with her friends. Mari loves to make lions feel good about themselves.
Romantic Interests: Open! I want her to have many options and interests! Though she may not always reciprocate (especially at first) she does find it flattering when she knows others have feelings for her. She’s more likely to fall for males, but I could see her falling for the right woman.
Enemies: Open! I could see her having rivals for romantic interests or just generally other women she competes with to flirt with others! Eventual scorned lovers could also be her enemies.

My newest addition! Extremely aggressive, likes to pick fights, will tease you mercilessly as a sign of friendly affection.
Friends: Open! I think it would be kind of hard to become friends with them, they’re somewhat apathetic, and therefore doesn’t get easily attached. Though, when they are friends with you, they treat you really well, and are extremely loyal.
Romantic Interests: Open! I’m not exactly sure how you’d manage to romance them, to be fair. But you can certainly try! It would be hard for them to fall for someone, but I could see it perhaps happening. They have no real preference gender wise. They’re definitely uncertain if they’d ever want to have biological children, which may be a problem for some.
Enemies:Open! Like... holy crap... wide open. They pick fights for fun when they’re bored. Whether this is physical or verbal. If you pick on someone they’re close to, especially one of their siblings, they will threaten/take action against you.
Blood donations: Semi-Open. They try their best to not have an over-reliance on blood. But when they’re in the mood, they will try to convince someone to allow them a “quick” sip. If you’re ok with your character being a bit woozy for a day or so, chuck them Bryn’s way!

I do not have a Discord, all plotting needs to be done via dms please!