Lioness of Prideless
Played by witch

Things seem to be going along perfectly fine - and then Volcan drops that last little bomb. Blinking a couple of times, slowly, Sonni finally drawls a response - I'm demon and dragon on my mother's side. If that counts for anything. Jeez, though, who the hell runs around telling people they're an actual goddess? Gaze gone somewhat more wary than it had been ( considering she now is fairly sure she's in the presence of crazy ) the diminutive demoness's head whips to the side as a splash is heard off to the left. You hear that too? Sonni asks, voice going low and deadly as she stands and takes a defensive stance. Teeth peel back slow, revealing sharp fangs as a surprisingly deep rumble spills from between partly-opened jaws.



Code by Naboo, Ref by Bethia