Lioness of Prideless
Played by Azzy

Large paws carry a woman who shows no weaknesses. Her body a goliath - a giant - compared to those of her sex. But nothing stops her. Mossy green jewels watch her surroundings but not with eagerness or weariness, but with no emotion as she keeps herself stoic and expressionless. This place is filled with others - she knows and assumes - but has yet to truly meet another. Though even as she treads the shrub land before her in a lazy walk, Vorri knows she is never truly alone. The Great Stallion watches over her and the Quest she has set herself upon. There is little shade here but she knows shade will not help her keep the cold fingers of the night away from her bones. So, Vorri keeps traveling knowing she will find shelter before night falls, though mossy jewels glance through her braids to the sun high in the sky behind clouds teasing to rain but never falls.

Vorri is rated M for Mature. Thread and read at your own risk. Vorri also does not know the common tongue very well if at all, she will either talk in grunts, her native Dothraki tongue, or in actions until she does learn the common tongue.