Lioness of Prideless
Played by Zena

Aye, they would be, Teuta thought, noticing none of the others seemed inclined to hurry to their Captain's call. They might just feel her teeth for that one, though more likely she'd simply offer a cuff upside the head, if anything. She wasn't nearly as bity with the rest of the crew, her family.

A claim fight eh? So, the captain wanted a proper place for them to stay, she guessed. If she was being honest, she didn't mind where they were camped out now, but sure, something more permanent probably wasn't a bad idea. They deserved everything they could get, after all, and that way they could keep others from wandering around in their territory and possibly raiding their dens. It was tough to want to start up her treasure hoard again when she knew how easily it could be lost to a stranger wandering through. She had some bones and shiny rocks in the back of her den anyway.

Finn wandered into the meeting and she stuck her tongue out at him as he passed, a silent chastisement for being late. Being the captain's brother wouldn't save him from that.