Lioness of Prideless
Played by Twesh

Water bug? Well... Marcella could see that she supposed. "It's a turtle Alain. Like those little ones who pop their heads up out of the watering hole?" The ones that dipped back down and swam away when rambunctious cubs got too close to the water's edge for their comfort. His concern for the creature though was touching; not that she imagined either of them would be able to stop the turtle for long. The thing looked like it had enough will to move the earth if it needed. "I think it'll be fine- at least..." She eyed the sea turtle a bit more closely; the lines in its rough skin and the old world wearly look in its soul through its eyes. "... it looks like it's made for the water." She lifted a paw and gestured towards the flat and broad fins the turtle was using to hoist itself closer and closer to the waves in spite of her son's concerns. Anyways things didn't get to be so big doing stupid stuff like drowning themselves right?