Lioness of Junior Member
Played by vae

The general vibe she got from these two was that she had just crashed some kind of boys' club (never mind that one of them wasn't exactly a boy). To be honest, that didn't really faze her in the least. If they genuinely wanted her to piss off, she would go without incident. Luckily for her, after an initial awkwardness, they appeared to be at least somewhat amiable - well, the second more so than the first. Neither of them was terrible to look at, though (a huge plus). They had to be some of the most striking lions she had seen in a long time, if not ever.

"Anyone ever tell you two that you look like you came straight out of the sky?" she chuckled, hoping they understood that she meant the night sky, where stars were seen. Regardless, she glanced back to the first lion and shook her head. "Oh, I haven't been here long, either. I came ahead of my mentor because I got antsy." Sometimes her teacher moved a little too slow for Nat's liking.

The more personable of the two began laying on the charm thick, and she had to resist the urge to laugh. Boy, was he ever going to be disappointed! Nat was married to her job, and few lions she had met during her short time on this planet really cared for that. She might as well have been the healer equivalent of a nun.

"Nat," she gave her name with a humored expression. "Who are you?" That was spoken to both of them. "I'm assuming you're both related. Either that, or you're doppelgängers, and this is how I die." By the jaws of handsome lions. There were worse ways to go.

@Pluto @Anatole