Lioness of Junior Member
Played by vae

Her paws struck the mountainside like weapons seeking to cleave clean through the stalwart stone. She walked heavily on the bedrock, unafraid to provoke the attention of any curious beasts. Melinoe swung her large head to and fro, jowls unsettled by the motion, which set them to move of their own accord. In all honesty, she wasn't certain what she searched for. She was as hungry for battle as she was a good meal. All her weeks of traveling had ultimately landed her here, and she was keen to satiate at least one, if not both, of those needs. The warrior's scarred body was itself pockmark on the mountains she currently navigated. Her bright, unnatural hues advertised her for all the world to see, and that was just how she preferred it.

Melinoe wasn't the sort of lioness to deny an opportunity. While she definitely wasn't doing herself any favors by her loud advances by way of food, she hoped that her stride caught the attention of other lions. If they weren't going to humor her with a gladiatorial dance, then they might as well give her the information she sought.