Lioness of Prideless
Played by witch

Out of Character
OOC Name: witch
Other Characters: none yet

In Character
Full Name: Legion 'Death' Spencer
Age: 1Y, 4M
Birthdate: July Y9
Biological Sex: Female
Gender: Non-Binary
Size: Micro; 2'8" tall x 240lbs x 5'3" long
Rank: Rogue
Pelt - Red
Eyes - Green & Orange partial heterochromia

premium muties -
saber fangs

free muties -
extra long fur
half mane [black and white blended]
elongated claws

tattoos -
lotus between shoulders [white, x1 large tattoo]
lotus on hips [white, x2 large tattoo]
chevrons above each paw [white, x4 small tattoo]

Markings -
001. global shading [two shades of red]
002. global stripes [brown]
003. global stripes [gold]
004. full dorsal [brown]
005. full dorsal [gold]
006. facial stripes [black]
007. eyeshadow [black]
008. gradient socks [front socks, black]
009. belly splotches [red]
010. side panels [red]
011. neck/shoulder stripes [red]
012. stripey socks [back socks, maroon]
013. ear backs [spots, black]
014. skull mask [white]
015. nose blaze [black]
016. dark ear rims [black]
Feathers: If any of their characteristics came from feathers, please list out which ones and what account they came from. If instead of feathers you're using a gift or bonus to create this character note that instead
Grand opening freebie <3