Lion of Prideless
Played by Twesh

Sorry? Sorry? The word was sharp against his heart and tore flesh from soul. His anger and emotions became irrational and a discontent sort of grumble rippled through his breast and out his lips. Physically he frowned but Vermillion did not lessen his affection or need to feel her near him. "No don't- don't apologize." She didn't need to, it didn't befit the image of her he held within. His sister was not an unkind or harsh dragoness; he did not see her as incapable of sympathy or guilt, remorse, reasons to apologize. To him though she was flawless; if there was any creature at fault for the time lost it would be he. He failed somewhere; had to be him. "I've missed you too-" He leaned over to nip at the tips of her ear and bury his muzzle against the base of her mane where it sprouted from her crown.

"-gods and spirits I've missed you." Whatever burst of ill content he'd felt moments before was rapidly fading and the lion sounded tired and dreamy all at once. He so felt this was a dream; that his flesh should pass through her and she would vanish any second. Such realizations never did, never would happen. It was real and all senses told him it was so but that dastardly heart of his wanted to hold onto that doubt anyways. "You're healthy- you're well?" He questioned, he'd expect Vedette to murder him if there was harm that had come to Erenvel in the meantime. It was likely any foes she'd made would have wound up with the short end of the stick and in a ditch but the horrid thing about fights was sometimes even as the victor you didn't really win...
