Lioness of Prideless
Played by Cat

Despite the fact that all she had found so far were oversized brutes, she could not say that she was not impressed with them. Gaze remained upon him as he finally chose to rise. Eyes watched the muscles that flexed beneath his pelt as he moved to her. Her own paw dragged away from the snack she had offered to him and returned to her remainder. "Bah, I'd jus' 'ave ye fetch me 'nother if needs be." She gave him a pointed look of seriousness before it fell away to a soft, almost musical chuckle. Rue did love her jokes- even if she was the only one to find the humor.

The toes that had still remained on her half gripped at what remained and slowly pulled it upward toward her mouth, only to pause when he left an open question to dangle between them. "Captain Rue Drax, but ye may call me Rue bucko." With that, she flung the upper half into her mouth and gave a loud crunch before she quickly swallowed the half of her rat. " 'N who might ye be?" She questioned in return as her full attention was turned upon him once more, as she remained sprawled at the lake's edge.