Lion of Junior Member
Played by Gunner

Bein' alone would come to an end soon enough, the foot falls of another causin' for his ears to prick forward and attention to be given in the direction it was comin' from. Golden eyes would stare, waitin' to see just who was comin' his way. And as they appeared, Lucien would watch in silence as the rather unique lookin' lioness came into view, noticin' right away the fangs that were protrudin' from her jaw. The next thing he noticed, aside from the markin's that adorned her body, was the rat that hung swingin' from her mouth. He would continue to watch her as she threw herself to the ground, and after several moments his golden gaze would wander back to the lake, watchin' the ripples that would be created by the waterlife.

He'd continue to stay silent for a little while longer, wonderin' if he should even bother the woman while she had caught somethin' to eat and occupy her time for the time bein'. But after a few moments Lucien would push himself up into a seatin' position, rollin' his shoulders before pushin' them back to have him sit straight and shakin' out his thick, black mane. "Looks like a big meal ya' caught." Deep, drawlin' voice would speak loud enough so that it would carry to the stranger, an obvious joke 'bout the rat she had. Somethin' lighthearted to attempt to break the ice with a stranger. Now hopefully she would find it that way.

