Lioness of Prideless
Played by dusk

Arysnia had not been in these lands long, but neither was she coy enough to not believe the draws of this flourishing place would not belong to others that had come long before her. It was not in the Wolf's interest to claim and conquer—yet. The word hung in the back of her throat, a bolus of fire burning everything in its wake, desperate to spill forth. It was quelled only when his scent carried upon the wind, the bristling gusts lurching about in every direction, eventually lending his scent to her, and hers to him; she did not flee, only remained right where she was, content to let her gaze linger upon the fire-tinged treetops that lingered so far below her.

You're ruining my view, he bellowed, and Arsynia's ears swiveled back. For a moment she lingered in the silence, accompanied by nothing but the howl of the wind and the steady rise and fall of his chest with every breath she was able to catch whenever the autumnal herald paused in its onslaught. The promise of a threat lingered in his tone, and Arsynia briefly wondered if she'd be in for a fight, but not long after did he settle onto his haunches, as if resolved to glaring at her from afar. “Perhaps,” she finally drawled, the alto of her voice surprisingly young, “but right now, it is mine.” Despite her retort, there was little threat in her tone; Arsynia was not looking for a fight as much as Barnabas wasn't, but even her pride could not be wounded to forge the words of a more timid creature.

Eventually, as the sky began to descend into a purplish darkness, Arsynia rose to her paws. Her tail whisked out behind her, long tendrils brushing across he dusty rock underneath. “Thank you for sharing,” she began as she moved away, but there was little sincerity in her tone. Arsynia was not unpolite, but she was anything but thankful. It was the nature of man to take and take and take, after all—and Arsynia was a woman bent on taking too.

And she'd start by claiming the way the sunset glared a blistering gold upon the treetops of the forest below.

Art by soar