Lion of Prideless
Played by KittyKookiez

Just north of the rainforest itself was where Jessie was found--sniffing amongst the rocks and shrubbery as he surveyed what kind of plant-life remained here. All the annual plants lived; the ones more used to warmer and drier climates either dying, hidden away, or in statis. He was thinking about making a flower wreath or bracelet. Maybe he'd give one away to a stranger...make someone's day. He'd have to be quick about it, though. The sky overhead was covered in clouds, promise of another rainfall soon to be fulfilled. A den for cover was already discovered nearby for him. An old fox den dug out to fit his bigger size.

The cold chills that came with winter were less frequent now, warmer breezes promising spring just as much as the clouds promised rain. It made him excited on the inside, knowing that with spring came the blossoming of many unique and beautiful flowers, but he'd still miss the frost and chills. The coldness of winter would always remind him of home, no matter how cold it got.
