Rex of Ignis Empire
Played by Fess

Hunter was by nature (No literally it ran in his family) an extremely light sleeper and nocturnal when possible, so it took very little to wake him. An unfortunate fact perhaps at those times he decided to sleep in a den with others rather than solo, for every snore, shift or scrape of claw on the ground could well wake him. Just as her rising to move further away did by virtue of the removal of warmth and sound of paw falls.

His eyes slid half open first and the Rex just watched curiously as she moved to the back of the den. Then listened for a while, mind fully waking to grasp onto what was most likely occurring. Given her condition, he assumed perhaps it was cub-time? Females tended to handle such matters solo and he was unsure if ... crowding one at this time was a wise idea. Still he remained watchful from a distance incase his name was called or signs of extreme distress became noticeable.

Small sounds of labor were heard. No screaming of course, or even cursing. But he was sucked. Eventually his ears pressed and cupped fully forward to hear a faint whispering sound. Words. Rising to his paws and doing his damndest to ignore any scents associated with birth Hunter approached curiously a soft murmuring rumble of a purr serving as both announcement and question.... was he welcome to approach and get a close look? Or would she prefer distance for a while longer? "..."


code by corvus