Lion of Ithilien
Played by ResidentRowan

Abraham was glad he was starting to meet more lions in Aesseldar. He felt more at home here. More… settled. He’d never really felt like this before, never felt the need to stop and learn as much as he could. But… it made him happy. Extremely happy. He always knew he was social, but never realized how nice it was to just… sit and have a chat with a stranger, make a friend. The lion nodded as she spoke, red eyes focusing once again as he had gotten lost in thought, “he said you were kind ‘nd honest, I appreciate that kind o’ quality in another lion, and you seem pretty friendly so far.” He would drawl, ear flicking under the darker half of his mane. The lion was still a bit cautious about prides, but wondered if she would make an offer. Although he supposed he shouldn’t expect it, it was Tintalle’s choice to extend the invitation. Perhaps she would like to know him better, first.

Go West young man
manip by ResidentRowan (me) | code by twesh