Rex of Ignis Empire
Played by Fess

His gaze, sharp but not hostile, flicks twoards another arrival...a lioness with gentle sunrise hues, slides in to take place near one of the others gathered. However there is not to much time to consider her arrival or the lack of response to his comments.

Not that it mattered, his words were....more an observation than necessarily an invitation to comment. His head tilts slightly, nose twitching and nostrils flaring a little as he drinks in the scent and tests the odd wind that seemed to kick up.

The warmth is fascinating. For that to be in the air during this time of year was ... beyond odd. The feeling of...what was it? Affection? Love? That was unsettling and it made him a little uneasy.

Yet curiosity overrode his unease as the wind turned to a leading humm once more..and with an amused and curious sound between a hum and a thoughtful 'mmm' Hunter moved to follow it twoards the southern border.


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